Tuesday, November 8, 2011

differnt media responsibities

 a person who practices the occupation of profession of Journalism.The report all types of media like books, magazines, and news reports

Copy editor:
A person who edits a manuscript, text for publication especially to fin and correct errors in style, punctuation, and grammar

A person who writes about what comes to their mind. this could be media personal feelings are just what their thinking.

Free Lancer:
A writer or artist who sells services to different employers with out a contract. Free lancer writ about anything to get a few dollars

A person who communicates by using letters and numbers. A correspondent also contributes letter to a newspapers

News Anchor:
A news anchor is a person who talks about the current news that goes around the city. The also report news that happens around the world.

Production manger:
A person who manages companies news reports and articles

A person who makes illustrations that describes the article and/or report. The also makes pictures for children books and stories

A person who is responsible  for the financial and administrative aspects like money. The producers pay for the companies supplies. Having a great producer is great for the company budget.

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