Monday, December 12, 2011


How many computers do you have in your home:
We have two computers in the house 

Do you have any game systems in your house and if so what brand is it.
We have a PS3 and a XBOX 360

How many tv do you have in your house.
We have 3 tvs in the house

What other electronics do you have in your home:
We have many games and electronics in the house like toys 

How much money do you think you spend on electronics a year
Our family spends around 2 thousand dollars a year

Do you have a cell phone:
Yes all of the members in the family have a cell phone

How may home phones do you have in your house:
All together we have about 8 phones in the house 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Libya's new jobs

Libya's interim prime minister Abdel Rahim al-Kib announces his new cabinet line-up on November 22, 2011.

 Libya's newly appointed Cabinet faces a tough job. In the space of only a few months it must restore order, draft a new constitution and be ready to lead the country into democratic elections.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


1: I learned that the first apple computer aired in 1984
    I learned that politics spend 2.3 billion on advertisement
2: Tommy Hilfiger was influenced by making better designer clothes
3:  2.7 million
4: because it inspires people to be what they want to be like art
5: It made people do o what they wanted to do in life

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Today in the world

Wednesday November 16, 2011

1: There will be no games for the NBA from now till December
2: Coach k passes mentor, colleague, friend on historic at MSG
3: Gingrich can,t verify how much Freddie paid him
4: Eli will keep making fans nervous.
5: Jury decides on sentence for man who killed deputy
6: A standoff near Sacramento Executive airport has ended peacefully
7: Personal information millions stolen from health groups Administrators offices
8: Man arrested after killing and eating a bobcat while on meth
9:burned gadhafi many making progress
10: Volks wagon passat has been named modor trend car of the year

Monday, November 14, 2011

Steve Jobs

1: Hero, tyrant, genius, creator, Amazing. 
2: He apart of the company called next
3: Steve jobs were more fun but Bill was a better friend. Also Steve saw things in his own perspective, and thats why he is different from most entouponers 
4: People said that he would use people only if he needed them. He would ignore you if he didn't need you
5: He saw life in a different way and he would take many risks that he know would help his success 
6: He revolutionize business, film, music, electcrity.
7:Yes because they made many movies that were and still are successful like Toy Story and Cars
8: I use apple for my computers and my music because apple products are very successful 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

differnt media responsibities

 a person who practices the occupation of profession of Journalism.The report all types of media like books, magazines, and news reports

Copy editor:
A person who edits a manuscript, text for publication especially to fin and correct errors in style, punctuation, and grammar

A person who writes about what comes to their mind. this could be media personal feelings are just what their thinking.

Free Lancer:
A writer or artist who sells services to different employers with out a contract. Free lancer writ about anything to get a few dollars

A person who communicates by using letters and numbers. A correspondent also contributes letter to a newspapers

News Anchor:
A news anchor is a person who talks about the current news that goes around the city. The also report news that happens around the world.

Production manger:
A person who manages companies news reports and articles

A person who makes illustrations that describes the article and/or report. The also makes pictures for children books and stories

A person who is responsible  for the financial and administrative aspects like money. The producers pay for the companies supplies. Having a great producer is great for the company budget.

Friday, November 4, 2011

In this article, the CNN was talking about the highly anticipated game Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. This game has everyone very excited to play. It has all of the additions and more than the previous game  Black Ops